At Grace Point Fellowship, we believe that we are all created to enjoy life together and that we can experience life more abundantly with others. For us, that means more than simply gathering on Sunday for worship (although we love our worship services on Sunday), but being intentional about creating opportunities for people to connect in a small group setting.
Each of our Grace Groups is unique, but each is intended to be a casual environment that fosters meaningful relationships and gives you a chance to grow in your faith through personal discipleship and time spent in prayer and studying God’s Word. Grace Groups give you a place to have honest conversations about the joys and struggles of life and be encouraged by others along the way.
If you haven’t plugged into a Grace Group yet, we encourage you to take a look at some of the groups listed below and see if there is a time and day that works best for you that you can sign-up for!

Join A Grace Group
Our hope is for everyone at Grace Point Fellowship to get plugged into a Grace Group where they can experience Christian community, engage in discipleship, and grow in their relationship with Jesus. We have groups that meet on most every night of the week and near most cities within a 20 minute radius of Grace Point. If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow the link below to explore our current Grace Groups, find one that sounds like a good fit for you and your family, and get registered! Once you selected a group, you should hear from the Grace Group leader within 24 hours. If you need any help, feel free to contact Pastor Spencer at [email protected].
Women’s Grace Groups
Join one of several Women’s Grace Groups, happening every semester, designed with women in mind. Grow in your relationship with Jesus alongside other women who share a desire to go deeper and know His grace more! Explore our Women’s Grace Groups by following the link below.